Rag [noun]

Definition of Rag:


Synonyms of Rag:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rag:


Sentence/Example of Rag:

We set it, double-reefed, which made it but a rag of a sail, and yet the ship felt it directly.

Every rag of raiment that man has on he stole from my husband's wardrobe at the Hall.

You'll feel like a rag by to-morrow, and then I hope you'll take a good rest.

Dra—— the owld man, but he'll have every rag off the back of me!

"I suppose that depends on your definition of fame—and of a rag," Eric answered.

If you don't, that Powless woman will come back and buy every stick and rag on the place.

Out of sight out of mind, and these sailor lads have a rag on lots of bushes.

Bless me, Kitty, there won't be a rag left at me when I get through this everin'.

"A rag shop it is, and I'll 'ave no more of it," said the waiter loftily.

"Make it a rag shop at once," said Davy, as he went on quietly with his work.