Rapped [verb]

Definition of Rapped:

talk casually; speak abruptly

Synonyms of Rapped:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rapped:

Sentence/Example of Rapped:

Dozier rapped at the door, and the old man himself appeared.

He rapped at the door, and it was opened by Mrs. Bartlett, with some surprise.

It was wide open, and she rapped on it loudly, and then turned her back.

There came no sound from within the room, so she rapped louder.

Miss Brewster made her way to the captain's room and rapped at the door.

So she rapped again and again, but still no one came to the door.

At the door of his wife's room—his room no longer—Captain Dan rapped softly.

At last he walked to the closed door of his helper's room and rapped.

Captain Eben, who had heard him with a face of iron hardness, rapped the table.

She climbed the steep stairs and rapped on the door of his room.