Rattles [verb]

Definition of Rattles:

bang, jiggle

Synonyms of Rattles:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rattles:

Sentence/Example of Rattles:

He awaited, in an agony of suspense, the rattle of the musketry.

All up the Valley the drums' rattle drowned the drone of the locusts in the stubble.

Now the rattle of a key in the hall-door was startlingly audible.

They also held the oxen's yokes, so that nobody or anything could rattle, or make any noise.

Down it went, at all events, with a rattle that might easily have broken the glass.

There was a clatter and rattle of speeding hoofs, which rapidly died out.

Then the watching man heard the rattle of a key in the lock.

A rattle of firearms far off on the other side of the river left it unspoken.

The rattle of certain snakes is supposed to act as a love-call.

Strings of shells which a visitor could rattle answered for door-bells.