Reals [noun]

Definition of Reals:


Synonyms of Reals:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reals:


Sentence/Example of Reals:

The pizetta is worth four reals; about twenty-one French sous.

Paid six reals each for admission and had our money's worth.

In the islands where it is grown, one bare costs 460 Castilian reals.

I added the two reals to the gold, and, as you may suppose, meant to serve as I was paid.

I told her why her aunt gave me the two reals, and we separated.

By the way, Maria Theresa dollars are always spoken of as reals.

We shall have to pay 400 reals, but we can give a camel each and can well afford it.

The boatman now came demanding two reals for conveying me on shore.

In fact this matter of "Reals" and "Pures" was one that had to be settled at once.

The balance of the account in our favour is 950 reals after deducting all expenses.