Reassembled [verb]

Definition of Reassembled:

reorganize, unite

Opposite/Antonyms of Reassembled:

Sentence/Example of Reassembled:

Just when I had all my ideas fixed for fifteen, I get twenty-two and have to reassemble them.

Our problem will be to reassemble them in proper order later.

I can now field strip and reassemble every one of your blasted gadgets in the dark.

The orders were, at the end of every three fusilades to reassemble at the gorge.

Next day all reassemble at the cave of Pan and the spring of the Styx.

Perhaps the police, seeing a mob, ordered it to disperse and reassemble later.

Now Im going to reassemble it and put it in a case and have a regular set.

The task of the Reintegrator is to reassemble those electrons.

The King was forced, however, to reassemble Parliament again in the autumn.

They had agreed to reassemble at a place a little above Hugli.