Reassigned [adjective]

Definition of Reassigned:


Synonyms of Reassigned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reassigned:

Sentence/Example of Reassigned:

Possibly they should be reassigned to duties more suited to their abilities.

A (p. 137) number of these men were reassigned to other units.

Now he stopped at the entrance to the ship where he had been reassigned a berth for the night shift.

It was high time the government investigated category assignment and reshuffled and reassigned half the nation's population.

I learned that the route had been changed, and I reassigned them, at the same time.

Because I reassigned them, at the same time I briefed them, and made these other assignments.

Although I shall not be reassigned to the coast-guard service, I am permitted to retain the animal at my own expense.

The technically unqualified but still "usable" men would be reassigned to black service units.