Recalled [adjective]

Definition of Recalled:


Synonyms of Recalled:

Opposite/Antonyms of Recalled:


Sentence/Example of Recalled:

He recalled the story Uncle Peter had told at the Oldakers' about the woman and her hair.

Bitterly he recalled the stain upon his family in generations gone by.

But that past was soon to be recalled to her with a vividness most terrible.

He seemed older than she had recalled him: the hair over his ears was almost white.

He recalled his condescending tone to her, and recollected his anxiety about the jar.

And then she recalled Katy's voice saying: "Braids round your head."

Pity for this unfortunate Irishman recalled Ireland to my thoughts.

I also saw some things, which recalled to my mind the observations I had heard at my hotel.

Cartwright began by asking that the mail-carrier be recalled.

I didn't think of the omission myself at the time, but I recalled it later.