Recognizes [verb]

Definition of Recognizes:


Synonyms of Recognizes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Recognizes:

Sentence/Example of Recognizes:

There, indeed, is something which the soul within him recognizes.

Already the business of the century recognizes the truth of all this.

But if there be help for him, it must be a help that recognizes the highest in him, and urges him to its use.

At best, he recognizes the past, with here and there a slight variation.

Plato only recognizes the identity of pleasure and good when the pleasure is of the higher kind.

Counsel continued, "Is there any one in court who recognizes him?"

This liberty, however, it does not create but only recognizes.

The Vatican, I believe, recognizes that these Orientals really are priests.

Is any truth involved in that beyond what Silas recognizes in his trade?

It recognizes such opposition in the way you tricked it into bringing you here.