Rediscovered [adjective]

Definition of Rediscovered:


Synonyms of Rediscovered:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rediscovered:

Sentence/Example of Rediscovered:

That the chief facts of a science should be rediscovered by the student in the laboratory.

The classics it must be remembered were not discovered by the humanists, they were only rediscovered.

Through her I rediscovered the wonder of the sunrise and the stars.

Knowledge and its application were being discovered and rediscovered.

On top of this he has discovered, or rediscovered, Thomas Traherne.

At the same time the Bible, in its original tongues, was rediscovered.

The silent house was a kingdom of delight to be rediscovered.

Not mechanical—they weren't even using the wheel when they were rediscovered.

For a time I thought that my research might be rediscovered.

She rediscovered them, however, when it was over; and that is something.