Refers [verb]

Definition of Refers:


Opposite/Antonyms of Refers:

Sentence/Example of Refers:

I refer, of course, to man's mastery over the latent forces of Nature.

To Alec Haskell I shall in this discourse again have occasion to refer.

Cyrus worries so about it (of course we know what you refer to).

At the end of it, he asked, "Did you--you must excuse me--refer to me at all?"

Those who desire information of the most undoubted, must refer to his pages.

We shall have to refer it right and left; and when we refer it anywhere, then you'll have to look it up.

I refer to the Domesday Book, or survey of the country which William caused to be made.

And, on our supposition, to which I will refer presently, this is perfectly correct.

My brother writes to John Caird, and to him I must refer you for the news of our family.

Do you refer to that speech by the Prime Minister of Austria a week or two ago?