Refugees [noun]
Definition of Refugees:
person running from something, often oppression
Synonyms of Refugees:
● Alien
● Exile
● Emigrant
● Castaway
● Renegade
● Deserter
● Outlaw
● Fugitive
● Outcast
● Defector
● Escapee
● Leper
● Prodigal
● Maroon
● Derelict
● Runaway
● émigré
● Expellee
● Evacuee
● DP
Sentence/Example of Refugees:
Among all the refugees, there is not one more loyal to the backbone than we.
The refugees were done; the pirates had unsheathed their knives for the butcher's work.
Food, through Jewel's care, had been served out to the refugees.
The house has been full of refugees—Fairfaxes and Fauntleroys.
This is a small pamphlet written by the son of one of the refugees.
There the refugees provided themselves with arms, and prepared for rebellion.
General Montero and the Spanish refugees then emerged from the cotta.
The greatest difficulty was how to feed the swelling mob of refugees.
Refugees who had hidden in the woods came to the camps in rags and emaciation.
There, he was told, the Moravian refugees had built the first house on his estate.