Refurnish [verb]

Definition of Refurnish:


Synonyms of Refurnish:

Opposite/Antonyms of Refurnish:


Sentence/Example of Refurnish:

I am not going to refurnish the rooms for you, or anything of that kind.

"It will just redeem my diamonds, and refurnish the house," said Lady Frances.

It is, of course, not always possible to refurnish a room when it is redecorated.

So he ordered his servants to make great preparations for her coming, and to refurnish the palace.

They congratulated themselves on having ousted him so easily, and began to refurnish their chamber.

He was determined to refurnish the drawing-room and also the bedroom in which Florence was destined to sleep.

Oh, Alan'—Alan is father—'don't you think gran would let us refurnish even the third drawing-room?

After dinner we went up to the littlest drawing-room—the one mother wanted for so long to refurnish prettily.

By selling the pearls I can refurnish the house, have the grounds restored to their original beauty, and live as I formerly did!

In those days if you wanted to be smart, you bought a new carpet and curtains: now you "refurnish the drawing-room."