Reinforced [adjective]
Definition of Reinforced:
Opposite/Antonyms of Reinforced:
Sentence/Example of Reinforced:
At our two-o'clock dinner I found that our company had been reinforced.
Presently, no doubt, the two now opposing him would be reinforced by others.
Sawyer should have reinforced the Seventh with his entire brigade.
And her financial means are to be reinforced by contributions from Great Britain.
There was, however, no hope for them unless they should be reinforced.
They were reinforced an hour afterwards, and the Austrians beaten off.
The whole wall is reinforced by the addition of new material.
The army was to be reinforced and a stringent conscription was talked of.
The Turks have reinforced and they have brought back their guns; that is true.
It reinforced my resolution that the mid-land was about to blossom into art.