Rejoicings [adjective]

Definition of Rejoicings:


Synonyms of Rejoicings:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rejoicings:

Sentence/Example of Rejoicings:

I have had my salary raised and am now rejoicing in twenty-two dollars a week.

He took his natural place at the head of affairs, and Amelia stood by, rejoicing.

Then you lay him upon the stones and lift up your heart in rejoicing.

It was amidst this tumult of rejoicing, that Theodora entered the city of Granada.

Far, however, from rejoicing at this circumstance, I sincerely deplore it.

He spread out his hands, rejoicing in the remembrance of his graceful compliments.

Why, we ought to be mournin' for her, really, instead of rejoicing over what she left us.

Then I'll think of Glenfaba and the birds singing and rejoicing.

The sun was still shining in the courtyard, and the birds were still singing and rejoicing.

Accordingly his delivery from that thraldom was matter for rejoicing.