Religions [noun]

Definition of Religions:

belief in divinity; system of beliefs

Synonyms of Religions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Religions:

Sentence/Example of Religions:

Aspasia remained in Athens, triumphant over the laws of religion and morality.

The influences of religion have been multiplied and strengthened.

There is a moral, and a religion too, even in the silent walls.

I wish it were possible to speak of God without the implication of dealing with religion.

The minute you touch on religion, as commonly understood, you reach the sectarian.

Religion would be better than endurable in the company of such an embodiment of it!

Flossy, I do believe nobody was ever so much changed by religion as you have been.

How little hope there is in the commoner phases of religion!

Young people are ripe for love long before they are ripe for religion.

The words were uttered with a subtle renunciation that was this man's religion.