Relishes [noun]

Definition of Relishes:

great appreciation of something

Synonyms of Relishes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Relishes:

Sentence/Example of Relishes:

The relishes should be passed while the soup is being eaten.

It will cost us enough to have sandwiches, salads, relishes and sweets.

He must hear from her own lips, forsooth, how she relishes this union.

Breakfast from seven to eleven; soups and relishes from eleven to half-past one.

He requires no stimulants at work, but when he is through he relishes a glass of wine.

The breakfast-table is always covered with a variety of relishes, and warm cakes.

Peppers (kaw-aw-kull) were a good deal used for seasoning and relishes.

Make out an account and furnish it, Raper; we'll see how he relishes Shylock when he comes to read that.

Foods preserved by pickling are known as either pickles or relishes.

It relishes the pretty trivialities of art, its vulgar cleverness, its conscious graces.