Relit [verb]

Definition of Relit:

light again

Synonyms of Relit:

Opposite/Antonyms of Relit:


Sentence/Example of Relit:

Tresler shook his head, and paused in his work to relight his pipe.

The spring shower was as brief as it was violent, but the wood would not relight.

"Show him in," he said, at length, and began to relight his cigar.

The chauffeurs had hurried off to relight the lamps of the cars.

"I'm coming," he stammered; and it was the noise of a match Emma had struck to relight the lamp.

"We are like all theorists," Furley declared moodily, stopping to relight his pipe.

Of course I could still thrust my candle between the bars and relight it.

Me pipe has gone out, and I hasn't the maans convanient to relight it.

The lantern had gone out with the blow and he did not dare to relight it.

We immediately set to work to relight the fire and cook our breakfast.