Reminiscences [noun]

Definition of Reminiscences:


Synonyms of Reminiscences:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reminiscences:


Sentence/Example of Reminiscences:

Let us then content ourselves with a reminiscence of the opening night.

He did not advance any reminiscence of what had happened since he came to the schloss.

And suddenly there appeared in her face a reminiscence of the face of the Marchesino.

He relapsed into silence, smiling and dwelling with gratification on this reminiscence.

And memory is the preservation of consciousness, and reminiscence is the recovery of consciousness.

The Platonic doctrine of reminiscence is then adduced as a confirmation of the pre-existence of the soul.

The captain broke in to head off the Philadelphia reminiscence.

The reign of Cronos, who is the divine ruler (Laws), is a reminiscence of the Statesman.

Exactly, otherwise the reminiscence would be slightly irrelevant.

Still, in all the substitutes there seemed to me a reminiscence of what they replaced.