Remotenesses [noun]

Definition of Remotenesses:


Synonyms of Remotenesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Remotenesses:


Sentence/Example of Remotenesses:

All others, so far as she was concerned, existed only on the sufferance of remoteness.

I confess that there was something eerie in the isolation and remoteness of St. nimie.

There was, indeed, a certain charm in our remoteness from the outer world.

He is here framing an ideal, without realising its remoteness.

The remoteness of the situation gave the very boldness of his plan feasibility.

Despite his strangeness and remoteness, Apicius is not dead by any means.

The origin of this family fades away in the remoteness of antiquity.

The remoteness of the locality would have robbed the statement of all interest.

She was back from the remoteness of her meditation, very much so indeed.

I had an idea that their distance from me was as nothing to my remoteness from them.