Repartees [noun]

Definition of Repartees:

pleasant conversation

Synonyms of Repartees:

Opposite/Antonyms of Repartees:

Sentence/Example of Repartees:

They went on, repartee after repartee, as if inspired by each other's spirits.

He was quick at repartee, and his observations were gentle but pertinent.

From the first, Alfred says, the old chap's only repartee was, 'You wait and you'll see!'

Yet he returned to earth long enough to indulge in a mild bit of repartee.

Egon gave a laugh at his own repartee, but the Chancellor heard neither.

And Rickards had to wipe his eyes as he laughed at the repartee.

"You are always prepared to sacrifice your principles for a repartee," he answered.

The three ladies were in high spirits and prompt at repartee.

For once the old gentleman had no repartee, but hurried down to the bank.

But then again, what chance had his speech offered for repartee?