Repined [verb]

Definition of Repined:


Synonyms of Repined:

Opposite/Antonyms of Repined:

Sentence/Example of Repined:

Now, however—but I should be a fool, indeed, to repine at my own good fortune!'

Why then should he repine when the hour of separation arrives?

Well, even so, he would not repine, for Naomi could see now.

In that wish there can be no harm, for it is only wishing that you may not be tempted to repine.

But there—we must not repine—even in my sorrow, I feel how much we have to be thankful for.

Never let us repine, howsomever, but consider that all is ordered for the best.

Ought she to repine at the fruit of her own indiscretion and folly?

To know it is no sin: to repine and murmur thereat, these are forbidden.

She soon saw that to suffer was her duty, and though she might grieve, she must not repine.

And after my brother has been spared so far, how can I repine at any selfish trouble?'