Repulses [noun]
Definition of Repulses:
snub; rejection
Sentence/Example of Repulses:
She could feel its false precision, its intention, its repulse of her.
So desperate was my case, I was resolved not to stop even at this repulse.
Burnside's repulse at Fredericksburg was followed by a discouraging retreat.
Not all my kicks and cuffs and beatings had sufficed one whit to repulse him.
It cost her an effort to repulse him, and the effort was not very convincing.
His repulse was complete and crushing and we saw no more of him that day.
What we afterwards alluded to as an attack was really an attempt at repulse.
Were these preparations for war, or for vengeance, or to repulse a threatened invasion?
She expostulated without struggling because it was hard for her to repulse him.
An attack—a repulse; and each time with added but never-varied slaughter.