Repulsiveness [noun]
Definition of Repulsiveness:
Synonyms of Repulsiveness:
Opposite/Antonyms of Repulsiveness:
Sentence/Example of Repulsiveness:
That schoolroom had, I am sure, none of the dulness and repulsiveness of other schoolrooms to us.
Others are guarded in all their avenues by their own repulsiveness.
Crowne too was a poet, as is evident from Thyestes, in spite of repulsiveness and rant.
He sat up, as if touched by a spear: there it was, in all the repulsiveness of death.
They possess a few advantages as a set-off against the repulsiveness of this picture.
All chroniclers unite as to the hideousness and repulsiveness of the practice.
A look of abhorrence accentuated the repulsiveness of his face.
All the sophistry and art of Ridman could not veil its repulsiveness.
He was a terrible brute, a big grizzly bear, ugly to repulsiveness.
A fanatic zeal illumined it, taking away half its repulsiveness.