Resentfully [adverb]

Definition of Resentfully:


Synonyms of Resentfully:

Opposite/Antonyms of Resentfully:


Sentence/Example of Resentfully:

It was the signal that the reading was going to begin, and the matrons looked at her resentfully.

"You may as well set on and suspect Hamish," he resentfully said.

Helen, too, noted the effect in his sobering eyes, and was resentfully glad.

“Mary is; and a fine girl, besides,” she had added, resentfully.

“I wonder you had the heart to risk spoiling its contour,” she said resentfully.

"Oh, I don't know about that," retorted Rackliff resentfully.

"And these are the thanks I get for furnishing some means of transportation," said Roy resentfully.

And now, resentfully, she asked herself why Manfred bothered so much about this war.

"Their reasons don't do me any good," uttered Dan resentfully.

"Well, I wish I hadn't remembered you," she said resentfully.