Reshaped [adjective]

Definition of Reshaped:


Synonyms of Reshaped:

Opposite/Antonyms of Reshaped:

Sentence/Example of Reshaped:

These saints are, for the most part, Buddhist-Brahminic figures which have been reshaped.

It then reshaped itself into a copy of the predecessor, and remained where it was.

He cut down the irregularities of all broken joists, and reshaped the extremities.

You'll see that his personality is reshaped your way, won't you?

He has reshaped and embroidered it, and has sung of passion in a mask.

There were many in the sheaf that might be repaired, reshaped.

Every antique form reappears, but reshaped in the same sense by a fresh and original impulse.

I lay prone, and gathered together and shaped and reshaped a little heap of pine needles.

What is left of the tragic events in real life when the lyric poet has reshaped them in a few rhymed stanzas?

So far as possible, the ancient traditions and myths were reshaped so as to contribute to the glory of Marduk.