Residences [noun]

Definition of Residences:

place for living

Synonyms of Residences:

Opposite/Antonyms of Residences:

Sentence/Example of Residences:

The week elapsed, and at the end of it, I had not presented myself at his residence.

His residence is at the Porte, where he has one of the splendid palaces.

The first relates to the exact period of his residence at Leyden University.

Not far from his grandmother's residence there was a windmill which operated on a new plan.

And this was her connection and residence with that old man.

His own residence and the cottages of his servants completed the little colony.

Why should it have been addressed to his residence, and not to the office?

Then came the seven workmen's residence levels, divided by trade groups.

But this he was to learn early in his residence in Santa Clara Valley.

We do not know how many persons would have been able and willing to go into residence there.