Resiliences [noun]

Definition of Resiliences:


Synonyms of Resiliences:

Opposite/Antonyms of Resiliences:


Sentence/Example of Resiliences:

I do not pretend to fathom them; they have the texture and resilience of an indiarubber ball.

But they lowered the boom on Ives when he showed any resilience.

Most probably it is due to a momentary change in the resilience of the rubber.

Stretched to the limit of their resilience, the nerves act reflexly.

And inevitably in the end, the resilience of youth conquered.

The ball did not rebound as it used to; the resilience was petering out.

Resilience is the amount of work done upon a body in deforming it.

Here not only strength, but toughness and resilience are important.

The hour of sleep had been enough to restore her resilience.

America honors the strength and resilience of the people of this region.