Resin [noun]

Definition of Resin:

sticky substance

Synonyms of Resin:

Opposite/Antonyms of Resin:


Sentence/Example of Resin:

Grease or resin in the water used for washing, is also unfavorable.

Resin is present in vanilla beans and is extracted in the essence.

He used the resin and leaves every time he wanted a drink after that.

Then he stuck leaves into the resin and again went to the drinking place.

The resin is used medicinally as also are the bark and wood.

Resin is the substance remaining after the crude turpentine has been distilled.

Lubricate the two stop-cocks with resin ointment (Fig. 137).

Soon the sand was baking, and the resin melting in the logs of the blockhouse.

If the skin is broken, zinc or resin ointment may be applied.

In both countries it is locally exploited for wood and resin.