Resonantly [adverb]

Definition of Resonantly:


Opposite/Antonyms of Resonantly:

Sentence/Example of Resonantly:

And when he spoke, slowly, resonantly, men fell back before his words.

For an instant there was a jerkiness to the voice, and then it droned on resonantly again.

The Canon knocked, and Hugh's voice said, clearly and resonantly, "Come in."

The very sound of the ice, dully yet resonantly chinking, brought a suffocating sense of nostalgia.

Rybin said evenly and resonantly, making himself heard above all the other voices.

He spoke without haste, resonantly, and clearly; but the mother was unable to listen to his speech.

For a moment let us look into this so seeming-piteous a one of ours, on which soon the iron curtain is resonantly to fall.

The sun had risen, the bells were ringing riotously, resonantly in the clear, cold air.

These words still roll down the tide of American history as resonantly as when they were spoken.

He drew a deep breath which visibly swelled his great chest and sang out, resonantly, "Promenade to your places!"