Revelling [verb]

Definition of Revelling:

take pleasure; celebrate

Synonyms of Revelling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Revelling:

Sentence/Example of Revelling:

She is trifling with me, and very likely she is now revelling in her triumph.

Do you dream that, while you have been revelling, she has been idly whimpering in her chamber?

I left my carriage half a mile below, and have been revelling in the sun and air.

And he went in to fight, revelling like a giant in the red lust of killing.

Alone with Jack I kept on along the steep trail, revelling in my freedom.

What rivers, how sunshiny and revelling, are the Brembo and the Serio!

She had some glorious moments, revelling in the joy of creation.

How had the happiness in which she fancied she saw him revelling been constituted?

Tom Sawyer was walking the stage and "revelling in his power."

She had stood arm in arm with him, revelling in the riot of the open seas.