Reveries [noun]

Definition of Reveries:


Opposite/Antonyms of Reveries:

Sentence/Example of Reveries:

Halson roused himself from the reverie in which he was sitting with glazed eyes.

Each one of his words lulled and prolonged the reverie of Angelique.

His reverie was broken abruptly by the jangling supper-bell.

He was roused from his reverie by the arrival of Selina's letter.

Virginia started from her reverie, but held the volume fast.

Philip, absorbed in his reverie, perceived him not, and continued his way.

Bulan, startled at the question, looked up from his reverie.

This resolution coloured his reverie throughout the uptown journey.

The quick step of Fonseca interrupted the courtier's reverie.

The sound of quick pattering steps roused him from his reverie.