Revolutionaries [noun]
Definition of Revolutionaries:
person who causes fire, trouble
Opposite/Antonyms of Revolutionaries:
Sentence/Example of Revolutionaries:
All great writers put their trust in kings, or rogues, or revolutionaries.
He does not believe in the revolution or in the revolutionaries.
Fighting had broken out; the revolutionaries were greatly outnumbered.
The Revolutionaries had been persuaded to look upon him as their friend.
Homoeopathy, hydropathy,—the revolutionaries of medicine attracted her.
"Fesh Barbedie's nightie-gown," she said majestically to the two revolutionaries.
Near as I could figger, they're revolutionaries o' some sort.
Do they wish to assist Russian revolutionaries to dethrone the Czar?
Some help might be had from the revolutionaries, and he must try to find Don Martin.
Still smiling, she murmured the password of the revolutionaries.