Revulsions [noun]

Definition of Revulsions:

disgust, hatred

Synonyms of Revulsions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Revulsions:





Sentence/Example of Revulsions:

The revulsion accentuated her enjoyment of the picturesque aspects of the scene.

The revulsion of feeling, the unspeakable horror, the remorse, was more than I could bear.

In the revulsion of grief, he turned almost with resentment upon Hamish.

In the first revulsion of feeling, I was perhaps unjust to my associates.

"I'll come with you, Gaspare," she said, with a revulsion of feeling.

All that was to come later, with a fresh access of revulsion and disgust.

And then revulsion took me, suddenly and without any cause or warning.

Of that thought, coming, too, in revulsion to all his late self-gratulations!

What might not be anticipated from a revulsion of sentiment in a people like this?

What revulsion could it be that so suddenly overwhelmed her?