Rewarding [adjective]

Definition of Rewarding:

beneficial, pleasing

Synonyms of Rewarding:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rewarding:

Sentence/Example of Rewarding:

Then Nuflo would rejoice and feast, rewarding them with the skin, bones, and entrails.

And then how amply rewarded, and rewarding, by the rapture-causing return!

The marchioness assented, rewarding Chiaccheri with a smile, but I could not do so.

But, seems to me, mother, that that would be rewarding him for being a naughty boy.

You might think you were rewarding her by marrying her; but you'll find your mistake.

They are doing all this for us, and how are we rewarding them?

We confess we have no notion of rewarding an opponent for his oversights.

The profits in a pecuniary way may be inconsiderable, but the pleasures are rewarding.

The ways of rewarding the priests also differed with the two peoples.

By making them do the hardest labour, and then rewarding them with cruelties.