Ringleted [verb]

Definition of Ringleted:

bend, loop

Synonyms of Ringleted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ringleted:

Sentence/Example of Ringleted:

There was Zeus All-Father, with his great, silvery, ringleted beard.

There were dolls in the window, charming, round-eyed, ringleted.

I remember that, young as I was, I disabled a very pretty perfumed and ringleted Cavalier.

The glory of the ringleted Suke has indeed gone, as Phil had told; but it has not gone in the way of marriage.

From one of these an elderly, ringleted woman, deeply veiled, rose suddenly and barred the path of the swaggering nobleman.

Not a week had passed but she had dropped in once or twice, mostly alone, but not infrequently with the ringleted Aschael.

Miss Alicia's tears were still streaming, but she held her ringleted head well up.