Rituals [noun]

Definition of Rituals:

ceremony, tradition

Synonyms of Rituals:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rituals:

Sentence/Example of Rituals:

Here also myths and rituals were formed by various processes.

I am of course thoroughly familiar with these war chants, rituals, etc.

In this character they are exhorted with elaborate prayers, rituals, and ceremonials.

Not Churches, nor creeds, nor rituals, nor respectabilities.

The rituals and prayers of the nagualists bear witness to this.

Most rituals or 'namings' he will fall in with at present, are like to be 'namings'—which shall be nameless!

But even if she possess the rituals, she has not come by them in the manner she describes.

It does not attribute antiquity to the rituals which it uses.

But any infraction of these rituals is sure to bring terrific punishment.

No followers of Mohammed, the Druse were devoted to heathen gods and rituals.