Roamed [verb]

Definition of Roamed:

wander about

Synonyms of Roamed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Roamed:



Sentence/Example of Roamed:

She was a stanch five-year-old, and she had roamed the mountains about Pop's place at will.

It was Jim Edwards whose feet I had heard as he roamed about.

He roamed about the house, and the women ran for it when they heard him coming.

Let me be a bird or an insect and live in the fields where we first roamed together.

They roamed the forest through and through, but the stolen child could not be found.

"I didn't know moose ever roamed as far north as this," remarked Ned.

He roamed about the tree for days, seeking one that would suit his purpose.

I rested neither day nor night, but roamed about the house like one distracted.

She seemed to tread upon air as they roamed about the lovely walks.

In his young days he roamed the country as a hunter and trapper.