Roarings [noun]

Definition of Roarings:


Synonyms of Roarings:

Opposite/Antonyms of Roarings:

Sentence/Example of Roarings:

But ever and anon were heard peals and roarings, as if of loud thunder.

The kings of France have always had roarings round their throne.

Is that music or the roarings and cries of some of the beasts?

It is liltinger than bird-songs and lustier than roarings of mountain cataracts.

It is the dainty darlings for whom the roarings have to be feared.

And continually, monotonously, there were roarings which climaxed and died in the distance.

There were roarings and flames of fire and brandishings of the sword.

Now if Mr. Roarings and Miss 'Arringay met frequent like that——'

The horns of that bull are cut off, but there is enough of him left to attract by his roarings other bulls like unto himself.

I ran to the door, but fled again on hearing the thunderings and roarings of the Major, who beat frantically, louder and louder.