Roger [adverb]

Definition of Roger:


Opposite/Antonyms of Roger:


Sentence/Example of Roger:

M'Intosh and Roger Smith were then persuaded to go with a flag.

If you show talent, will see if I and Roger can settle about some little allowance.

"After, not arter," said Mr. Roger Morton, taking the pipe from his mouth.

"Spoke like yourself, Roger," said Mrs. Morton, with great animation.

Lieutenant Roger Fenton had a lump in his throat when he said good-bye to his boys.

Roger, you will be very careful, won't you, in the trenches?'

She is about to offer him her cheek, then salutes instead, and rushes off, with Roger in pursuit.

Mr. Torrance wets his lips; it must be now or never, 'Not going, Roger?'

Won't you—won't you say something civil to me in return, Roger?'

Roger is not yet prepared to meet him half-way, but he casts a line.