Romanced [verb]

Definition of Romanced:

overstate, embellish

Opposite/Antonyms of Romanced:

Sentence/Example of Romanced:

Walpole once said of him, happily, that 'he romanced with his usual veracity.'

As with all popular figures, writers have romanced about Hindenburg.

He romanced about Sir Charles, but was subsequently truthful.

He did these things, or the prophets romanced about it, or some one else romanced about them.

"But an ol' cat grabbed it and carried it away," romanced Sube.

But these babes, who romanced anything in pants on earth, went on a stand-up strike when they saw and smelled the Martians.

People talked of these things always with an underlying feeling that they romanced and intellectualised.

"He wears a black velvet tunic all sprinkled with diamonds, and he has epaulets of emeralds as big as walnuts," romanced another.

Greenleaf wondered how he could ever have romanced about this handsome, commonplace young woman.

I had to tell all about the shipwreck, and I romanced as though I had been present at the catastrophe.