Rotations [noun]

Definition of Rotations:


Synonyms of Rotations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rotations:


Sentence/Example of Rotations:

I must wait the rotation of the list, and there are twenty names before mine.

If the direction of the boat is to be reversed, the rotation of the paddle-wheels is reversed.

The periods of rotation of the ball and of the ring were also fixed.

Stop the rotation, and the atom would be annihilated for the same reason.

This rotation in the ether is produced by what is going on in the wire.

Are there any phenomena which imply that rotation is going on in an electric conductor?

As a rule, I believe in the rotation of callers as implicitly as I do in the rotation of crops.

Hence his crop “rotation,” his succession of wheat to clover, of grass to both.

He is like the farmer's fields, that only need a rotation of crops.

I, too, can halt the Earth's rotation, or throw it out of its orbit!