Rovings [adjective]

Definition of Rovings:

moving around

Synonyms of Rovings:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rovings:

Sentence/Example of Rovings:

There, for the first time in history, man had ceased to be a roving animal.

The hunters were roving the open, and even Hal Dozier was at fault.

My roving excursion this day had fatigued my body, and diverted my imagination.

On the other hand, the quick, roving eye of the scout seldom rested.

Rain had driven to shelter the roving dogs which had troubled us last night.

Valerie de Ventadour had been but the fancy of a roving breast.

Our honeymoon—years of it—will be spent in the Nomad, roving the universe.

I'm a roving vagabond—she hates me for evermore—it's all over!'

In roving across the orchestra to the foot-lights my eyes were arrested.

The bobbins holding the roving are placed directly over the spindles.