Ruggednesses [noun]

Definition of Ruggednesses:


Synonyms of Ruggednesses:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ruggednesses:

Sentence/Example of Ruggednesses:

There is no ruggedness in the meter, no violence in the stream of images.

Sometimes we like ruggedness, and again we like things made easy.

Luther also was thought by some to be a mere compound of violence and ruggedness.

You might cite the ruggedness of oaks and the grimness of crags as masculine.

Nothing can convey an idea of the grandeur and ruggedness of the mountains.

This at length he effected, for the ruggedness of the wall afforded him a footing.

On the contrary there is a ruggedness in his manner that jars upon the sense.

We cannot but be struck with the ruggedness of the womens compliment.

They had now come to the mountains in all their wildness and ruggedness.

A great horror of the vastness and ruggedness came upon her.