Rulers [noun]

Definition of Rulers:

historically, person who ruled an area

Synonyms of Rulers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rulers:

Sentence/Example of Rulers:

Rulers and officials of the government must be respected and honored.

In masses and mobs they needed kings and rulers but could not choose them.

"The Lenape are rulers of their own hills," returned the other a little haughtily.

You are the levers of the Circumlocution Office, and the rulers of men.

He was the most glorious and splendid of all Chinese rulers.

Surely this is a strange misuse of our position as rulers of India.

And first, I must explain of whom I speak and what sort of natures these are who are to be philosophers and rulers.

The tale must be imparted, first to the rulers, then to the soldiers, lastly to the people.

And now for one magnificent lie, in the belief of which, Oh that we could train our rulers!

Plainly, like all changes of government, from division in the rulers.