Rules [noun]

Definition of Rules:

standard, principle of behavior

Synonyms of Rules:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rules:

Sentence/Example of Rules:

We are not obliged to conform to any particular set of rules.

By these rules of conduct, we hope to be known to all peoples.

The only way to learn the rules of any thing practical is to begin to do the thing.

The book of rules stated explicitly that such things were forbidden.

There were no rules to cover such conduct on the part of a nurse.

But to desert a woman, and have her apparently not even know it, was against the rules of the game.

What do you know of the rules of war, you red-headed Senegambian?

Mastery of his rules will not help another to win business success.

To do as you advise would be to change all the rules set down for promotion.

The rules of the game did not protect so much Michaelis, who was an ex-convict.