Rulings [adjective]

Definition of Rulings:

dominant, governing

Synonyms of Rulings:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rulings:

Sentence/Example of Rulings:

We commonly make it the last, if we ever make it at all; but it is the first and the ruling one.

His father was a Presbyterian of the Scotch type, and a ruling elder in the church.

But how could any political discretion on the part of the ruling classes have prevented this?

Though some achieved wealth, yet this was rarely, if ever, the ruling motive.

His real name was Li, and he belonged to the ruling Tang dynasty.

Always she had been so gentle, so wise, ruling him with kindness.

To the elder shall be assigned the duty of ruling and chastising the younger.

Their recent bickering was wholly forgotten in the ruling passion for “draw.”

For the distinction of ruling with law or without law, applies to this as well as to the rest.

Of course the ruling classes at home will wash their hands of this affair.