Rumpling [verb]

Definition of Rumpling:

crush, wrinkle

Synonyms of Rumpling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rumpling:

Sentence/Example of Rumpling:

"I think there is more in him than we know," said Rumple in a patronizing tone.

"I wish that I could discover something that could be named after me," said Rumple with a sigh.

Oh, I don't know what to do, and it was dreadful of Rumple to forget!

If only Rumple would come back with the horse we might manage it.

He was a few years older than Rumple and scorched to a berry-brown by the sun.

He began to kiss us, and to rumple our heads, and to bite The Seraph's cheek.

I beg your pardon, sirI cannot allow any one to rumple my bed.

Madame—(hastily)—Not there, my dear, you will rumple my skirt.

That her dress he thus did rumple, / avenged the lady grievously.

I often rumple a piece of paper, to observe the infinite variety of its shadows.