Schoolmate [noun]

Definition of Schoolmate:


Synonyms of Schoolmate:

Opposite/Antonyms of Schoolmate:


Sentence/Example of Schoolmate:

Whittier said he had the Captain Ireson story from a schoolmate who came from Marblehead.

Can that be Bart Hodge, my schoolmate, chum, and comrade of Fardale?

He had no money, so he and a schoolmate decided to walk to Prague.

He was a schoolmate of Coleridge and intimate with him for fifty years.

A schoolmate of Milt's, he had been a visitor in the family for a decade and more.

For peanuts read candy, and you will have about the speech of a schoolmate of mine.

It is said that the young lady whom he loved was the sister of a schoolmate.

They had also called on a schoolmate whom he had not seen for forty years.

Albert Myles, his six-year schoolmate accompanies him to Lancaster.

They then drove to the house of her schoolmate, who was to accompany them.