scintillating [adjective]

Definition of scintillating:

marked by high spirits or excitement

Synonyms of scintillating:

Opposite/Antonyms of scintillating:

Sentence/Example of scintillating:

Oh, life was one scintillating cluster breast-pin of ecstasies!

It remained on the crest, however, frozen and scintillating.

Light, everywhere light; scintillating, dancing, swinging light!

He threw himself full on the point of the scintillating vibroblade.

His satire is keen, but delicate, and his wit is scintillating and brilliant.

The wall behind was aglow with a dancing, scintillating light.

His eyes burn like coals of fire, and grow dark and scintillating.

It was surmounted by a horrible head, with two scintillating eyes.

Even in the darkness she knew that his eyes were scintillating with anger.

He is clever, dazzling, often scintillating, brilliant and magnetic.