Seasonableness [noun]

Definition of Seasonableness:


Synonyms of Seasonableness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Seasonableness:

Sentence/Example of Seasonableness:

Next, then, we must discuss orderliness of conduct and seasonableness of occasions.

There certainly never was a greater piece of publishing felicity, in its seasonableness, than this entire reprint.

Its seasonableness, from the growing number of bad critics, which now vastly exceeds that of bad poets.

Great stress is to be laid on this seasonableness of speech, whether the speech be for comfort or reproof.

The motives and calls to the work above mentioned will sufficiently, we hope, demonstrate the seasonableness of it.

But if there was a defect as to the seasonableness, it was not because it was so soon set about, but because it was no sooner.

First, The seasonableness: there is a time for all purposes, and every word and action is beautiful in his own time.

As to the seasonableness of such a publication, there can be but one opinion among Churchmen.